Winding back the clock.

Winding back the clock.


2 min read

I've decided this 'blog' will be my more personal musings. I have my GitHub-hosted blog on which will be, primarily my 'technical' brain as I start to translate my hastily cobbled notes for CTFs and experiences into actual blog posts and whatnot and this place will be a spot for my brain to Stackoverflow and normal human emotion can creep out.

I've been feeling overwhelmed lately...

My profile has probably never seen so many views on LinkedIn (well since the Tesla 'hack' with robots.txt) who would have thought that debunking a Snakeoil peddling charlatan would be so fruitful?

I've had people from all ends of the globe reach out and thank me for my technical breakdowns and my standing up for others when they can't. I've had some pretty big companies reach out and want to start talking interviews and options, which is great(!) but at the same time, I'm kinda bummed that I haven't been focussing on my technical skill as much as I want to.

Yeah, learning new things to aid taking an a$$hole down a peg or two is nice, but I feel like I'm betraying my roots in 'hacking $hit' and playing CTFs.

Well, after rebuilding my laptop for the umpteenth time, I grabbed the newest Kali iso and got it installed (at the time of writing 2023.3, remember that future me?, was amazing at the time.) and I am going to try spending some 'dedicated' time working on my CTF Skills again, after all technical interviews like to ask hypotheticals and I've tanked my last 2 interviews because of this... there could be other reasons but I blame not keeping my brain tool sharp... Shoutout to Tib3rius on Twitter for these #AppSec Interview dailies.

So this is me, stating publically that I am going to get back to basics, wind back the clock and start CTF'ing again, start LEARNING again... I mean I'm not going to get the job I want and the position I want to be in sitting idle watching YouTube videos of trash I don't need or games I'll never play, going forward it's CTF guides (if needed) and tooling.